How can I get an Australian visa?

If you need a visa to come to Australia for work, family or other reasons, applying on your own can be a daunting task but we are here to help.

Our professional advice and support can ensure your application has the best possible chance of success.

We can design a detailed visa strategy for you that includes a full assessment of your options and advice on your chances of success.​ If you want to know more about the process and how we can help with your visa application, book a consultation with us today.

PLEASE NOTE: As a result of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we are working remotely and temporarily suspending in-person client meetings at our offices. In the interests of everybody’s health and wellbeing all client meetings will be conducted via telephone, Skype or Zoom for the foreseeable future.

Our services include:

  • Advice on the most appropriate visa option available
  • Preparation and submission of your visa application
  • Formal representation with Australia’s Department of Immigration
  • Updates on the progress of your application
  • Recommendations for other relevant resettlement services
  • Coordination of the translation and certification of official documents (if required)